shitposts | N Y X U S

An emergency alert notification appeared on my phone at 6:15pm tonight. Mandatory quarantines are now in effect. No one is to leave their houses for anything other than essential work or essential consumption.…
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“She’s just like me”, she says, looking in the Amazon Alexa® Reflect™ video-mirror. The ads, for once, were true; it looks just as good as a real mirror. Better, even. But can a real mirror display all her favorite social media apps so she can keep in touch with her friends while she’s being decontaminated for her monthly allotted outdoor time?…
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The following two essays have not been republished with the consent of the University of California, the CIA, the UC Santa Nada Archives, the Spahn Dept. of Counter-Occulture Archives, or the estate of Prof.…
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JANUARY 27TH 2018 AT 12:38AM: The waves inhale and exhale particularly strongly, the moon above lighting the scene. A girl stands on the shore, just out of reach of the waves.…
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I thought I’d try intensifying my delusions. NOVEMBER 3RD 2009 AT 1:03AM: The definition of nothingness. A body without organs is absolutely infinite. Allow me to explain. A being which is absolutely infinite experiences itself as a being which does not exist.…
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Earlier this year, I saw Midsommar and wrote a review of it the night of after getting home from the theater. I ended up not publishing it due to not being entirely satisfied with it, but since it’s more or less a finished review, it must be offered up to the process (after some touch-ups).…
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I said I was done with this series, but it turns out it wasn’t done with me. Until such a time that I can achieve my wish to automate myself out of existence, there are some lingering questions that need to be addressed.…
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I remember when I had first started writing. It was 2012, and I was an angsty teenager who was about to graduate from high school. I wouldn’t realize until nearly five years later that I was trans, and was at the start of what turned into the deepest pit of depression I’ve ever been in.…
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Here is a thing I wrote for Šum #12 on apocalyptic flooding and geopolitics
I used to think that my life was a tragedy, but now I realize, it’s a comedy. - Arthur Fleck, Joker (2019) Once you realize what a joke everything is, being the Comedian is the only thing that makes sense.…
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What follows is a heavily modified reconstruction of the draft that eventually turned into the Gender Acceleration Black Paper. It has been changed so much and updated to suit the directions my thought went since mid-2017 when G/ACC 1.…
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Last weekend (5/17/19) I did a talk at the Digital Sanctuary conference in Vancouver, BC. As I’ve promised, these are the notes for it. I had wanted to record it since @tobias_ewe set the talk to droney music, which really did a lot for it, but ended up not having the time to coordinate that part.…
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My political consciousness began at far too young an age, in the worst conditions: The midst of the 2008 election and the rise of the neo-conservative movement (the Tea Party in particular).…
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The following is a fragment that I wrote in mid-2017 as a response to my partial reading of Andrew Culp’s Dark Deleuze back when it was still a hot topic among leftists.…
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After over a year of hype, Gender Accelerationism has emerged from beyond this mortal plane:
Adrenaline starts to flow You’re thrashing all around Acting like a maniac Whiplash Metallica, “Whiplash” In yet another resurgence of things from the 20th century that should be long dead, confirming my suspicion that the world did end with Y2K and we’re in a hellish vortex doomed to repeat all culture prior to the 2000s at an increasingly accelerated pace until it all blends together into an unlife where novelty and nostalgia are one and the same: Metallica was in the news briefly the past day over an embarrassing endorsement of Salesforce.…
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In the previous post in this Theorypunk series, I discussed writing as a social activity, and how it to me is exceedingly clear that academia is no longer a useful space for discussing theory and creating original writing.…
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It seems fair to say that nearly every American who has studied something in the humanities in the last decade (if not further back) has received the inevitable folk smugness from any given uneducated troglodyte: “What are you gonna do with that degree?…
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Several months ago I was linked to an article published by Vice with the extremely enticing headline, “This Biohacker Is Trying to Help People Make Their Own Estrogen.” Naturally, I clicked on the link immediately, with the hope that my previous research into the possibilities of open-sourced hormone-replacement therapy had come to fruition or was at least in the process of becoming so.…
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Heat. This is what cities mean to me. The narrative we’re all told as Americans since we were pre-teens was that cars meant freedom. You get your license and you can go anywhere, without having to rely on your parents for transportation.…
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You’ve undoubtedly noticed by now even if you don’t follow my twitter that my blog has undergone some major changes. I’ve moved it all over from my VPS running Wordpress to Hugo on Gitlab Pages.…
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Those were the days, when we were all at sea. It seems like yesterday to me. Species, sex, race, class; in those days none of this meant anything at all.…
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Of all the anarchist tendencies, none has become anywhere near as synonymous with anarchism in the minds of the rest of the world as insurrectionary anarchism. The recent explosion of anarchism into the mainstream through Antifa only further solidifies this image of the masked, black-clad molotov-slinging anarchist.…
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In 1916, the Marxist philosopher Antonio Gramsci wrote in his article “I Hate New Years Day”: Every morning, when I wake again under the pall of the sky, I feel that for me it is New Year’s day.…
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As with many other things, it’s often said in the trans community that there are various phases one goes through when first realizing that they’re trans. Questioning whether they’re really trans or whether it’s ‘just a fetish’, writing poetry, getting involved in various trans communities.…
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I cannot think of the deep sea without shuddering at the nameless things that may at this very moment be crawling and floundering on its slimy bed, worshiping their ancient stone idols and carving their own detestable likenesses on submarine obelisks of water-soaked granite.…
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